
St. Philomena:

The Story of a Stubborn Little Princess


was written to draw people closer to the teen saint and inspire them to follow her example of purity and love of God.  It is a religious biography aimed toward young adults, but has already proven to be just as inspirational to those of all ages.

This book is a fast-paced and gripping read that will leave you feeling closer to one of the youngest saints in the Catholic Church.  It is a story about a young princess who defied a Roman Emperor and gave up her life while following Jesus.

Like a bright light in the darkness of our culture, St.Philomena is waiting to tell you her story in this charming and relatable tale.

Katie Hartfiel, author of “Woman in Love,” says:

“Courtney Lee introduces us to the hero we all want to be- whether we know it or not! The Stubborn Little Princess is a beautiful story of the surpassing purity and outrageous courage of one of my favorite Saints. If you don’t have a relationship with St. Philomena, be assured she wants to walk to Jesus with you! This book is a great start to a friendship that will last you to eternity.”